Sunday 2 October 2016

Why Making A Fortune Online Isn’t Impossible

The only thing stopping you from earning a fortune is yourself.
George Dantzig was a student studying mathematics at Cal Berkley in 1939. One day he was running late to class. He snuck in and saw two mathematic theories on the blackboard. The assignment was to prove them.
Dantzig copied down the homework without saying a word.
A few days later he turned in his two proofs and apologized for turning them in late. “The problems seemed to be a little harder than usual” he said. His homework was thrown on top of a huge pile of other student’s homework, never to be seen again he thought.
But then something incredible happened.
Dantzig was woken up weeks later by his professor pounding on his door. He opened it and his professor told him he needed to publish his homework right away.
Because the “homework” was actually two famous unsolved statistics problems that no one had been able to solve.
Chances are you aren’t a brilliant mind that can solve problems that other brilliant people can’t.
But neither was Dantzig. He was incredibly smart. But so were the thousands of people who had tried to solve the problems before him.
The thing that set him apart was that he didn’t expect fame and recognition from solving the problems. He didn’t even know they were famous theories.
All he knew is that he had a problem in front of him and he needed to figure out how to solve it.
Many people today look at earning a fortune like people were looking at those two problems before Dantzig.
Complex. Daunting. Impossible.
But it’s not. If you find a simple and proven way to make money without all the fears and expectations that stop most people, then you can earn a fortune like few people ever had.
MTTB is the perfect system to launch you to wealth. It’s simple, effective, and proven to earn people just like you money.
To find out more about MTTB click below.
Sai Hseng

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