Saturday 8 October 2016

1 Reason For Failure Online That No One Talks About

Here’s one of the biggest reasons for failure in business (especially online business) that almost NO ONE seems to talk about:
More specifically, isolation from the people you need in order to make your business a success.
Too many aspiring entrepreneurs try to be lone rangers.
They think that “work from home” means “work alone.”
It doesn’t.
Not by a long shot.
You need other people to help make your business a success.
Lots of reasons. Here’s just 1:
You need accountability.
It doesn’t matter how “pull yourself up by your own bootstraps” you are. How driven you are. How self-motivated.
Everyone does better with accountability.
It’s not enough to just be buying training products. Setting goals. Making plans.
You need to be:
-USING those products
-REACHING those goals
-REALIZING those plans
and taking action.
There’s no other way for your business—online or offline—to succeed.
And no better way to be pushed to action than through accountability.
Which requires that you surround yourself with people who can hold you accountable to your goals.
Alongside giving you clear directions as to WHAT to do, MTTB gives you the accountability you need to actually do what you should.
(1) It surrounds you with like-minded peers. People on the same mission as you: to start an online business. As long as you’re willing to reach out and collaborate, you’ll have no trouble finding peers who are willing to enter into accountability partnerships.
(2) You’re given a personal coach to walk you through the 21-steps. You’re not just thrown into the ocean and left to sink or swim. You’re paired with someone in the same industry who has more experience than you, to walk you through the steps of starting your business… and to hold you accountable to your business goals.
Which means that MTTB sets you up to not only LEARN how to start a business.
It puts you on a trajectory to actually START a business.
$49 to sign up.
Sai Hseng

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