Sunday 2 October 2016

How To Avoid Mistakes Online

No matter how detail oriented you are, mistakes still happen.
Just look at movies for proof. Whether it’s a cameraman in the background of a shot or a person walking through a period piece on their cellphone just about every film has a glaring mistake in it.
When Raiders of The Lost Ark was being filmed, Steven Spielberg and his production team did everything they could to make sure no mistakes showed up in the final film.
For example, one sequence is shot in Tunisia and the film is set in the 1930’s. So, to make sure that the film looked like it was in 1930’s the crew had to take down or hide everything modern.
That meant they had to remove over 300 TV antennas to get a shot of the city from a rooftop.
You would think that level of attention would guarantee no mistakes.
But you’d be wrong.
Because only a few minutes after the rooftop scene, Indiana Jones is sitting in a market when a guy wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt walks through the shot.
No matter how many resources or how much attention you devote to being mistake free, mistakes are going to happen.
Especially when you’re trying to earn a living online.
We’re talking about computers after all.
So what can you do about it?
MTTB affiliates don’t have to worry about sales mistakes when negotiating sales or talking to customers because it’s all handled for them.
All MTTB affiliates do is place ads online and receive the sales commissions. That’s it.
And that means there’s little room for mistakes.
Click below to join a simple moneymaking system.
Sai Hseng

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