Sunday 2 October 2016

How To Make This Moment Worth Remembering

Is today worth remembering? Are you getting closer to a life changing moment or are you drifting along the status quo?
Believe it or not, a man named Earl can tell you.
There was an old TV show called My Name is Earl where the main character travels around fixing all the things he’d done wrong in his life.
In one episode, Earl has a conversation with a young character named Alby about death. When Alby asks Earl what happens when you die, Earl says,
“Well, no one really knows for sure, but I like to think the first thing that happens in heaven is you get to watch your whole life on TV.”
And that was the whole point of the show. Earl was trying to fix everything he’d done wrong so when he looked back on his life one day he would be able to smile with no regret.
So if you died and were watching this moment over, what would you think?
Would you be glad that you kept working a job that overworked and underpaid you? Would you say “wow” when you walk into your apartment or home?
Would this moment even be worth watching? Does anything happen next that would make future you pause and watch over again? Or would future you fast-forward to the good stuff?
If your answers weren’t very encouraging, then here’s your solution to make this moment worth remembering.
It’s an online system called MTTB and you’re going to want to remember the moment you joined.
Because MTTB allows its affiliates to work from their own computer and earn thousands every week doing it.
Right now you can make this moment the one that changed your life. The moment that you tell your kids about when they’re going out into the world on their own or you’ll talk about when someone asks you how you became a success.
Will you?
Click below to say yes.
Sai Hseng

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