Sunday 2 October 2016

1 Great Tip From Judge Judy

Who do you think is the highest paid TV star in America? It’s not a Kardashian. Or a game show host. Or even an actor.
It’s Judy Sheindlin. Or as you might know her better, “Judge Judy”
If you’re a certain age or not familiar with American T.V. then you might not even know who Judge Judy is. But that doesn’t stop her from raking in more money than anyone on television by a longshot.
At the end of this year’s T.V. cycle, Judge Judy’s contract was set to expire, not that it would hurt here since she’s been making $47 million a year for the past three years, so she needed to renegotiate her contract.
Not only did she manage to keep her $47 million salary, but she also guaranteed a first look production guarantee for her Production company with CBS. That means that CBS is paying her and her production company for the right to have the first chance to buy whatever they produce.
Here’s the crazy part.
They don’t call her Judge Judy for nothing. She is not known to have an agent or a manager. Judge Judy uses her very real legal background to negotiate all her own contracts.
That mean’s every dollar in that contract is going straight to her and no one else.
She’s playing the game like no one else and she is winning big time because of it. But you don’t have to be a T.V. star or a legal expert to do the same thing.
All you need to do is sign up for the Patriot Funnel System.
PFS is an online marketing system that works by guiding the right clients to your product instead of just throwing your product on to the internet and hoping that the right people see your product.
Using PFS is like using a scoped rifle to hit your target instead of using a shotgun with scattershot.
It’s that simple. If you want to master internet marketing, then PFS is an essential tool for you.
The next highest paid T.V. star is only making $13 million a year. That’s $34 million less than Judge Judy. All because she’s working smarter, not harder.
Click below to make money like her.
Sai Hseng

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