Monday 3 October 2016

Why Grandmas And Basketball Can Make Your Rich

It’s the end of a close basketball game. One team is down by only a few points but they are running out of time.
What do they do to stop the clock?
They foul one of the big men send them to the free throw line of course.
In basketball players who play close to rim are usually extremely tall and strong so they can jump over defenders and score or get rebounds. But their strength makes them terrible free throw shooters.
Just look at Wilt Chamberlain.
He was one of the greatest players of all time. He dominated the game and even scored 100 points in a single game. He was unstoppable.
Except for when he went to the free throw line.
It was easier for Chamberlain to dunk the ball from the free throw line instead of shoot it!
The reason why basketball centers can’t shoot free throws is because the common method is designed for your average basketball player. Not 7-foot-tall players who can dunk with three people hanging off their back. They are simply too strong to shoot the ball like a normal player.
But there is simple answer to this problem.
Shooting the ball underhand, A.K.A “Granny style”
Shooting granny style lets big players roll the ball perfectly up to the rim without putting too much power on it. It’s the perfect answer to the big man’s shooting problem.
But why don’t you anyone doing it?
Because people are afraid to try something different. Even though shooting underhand has been proven to be better basketball players won’t do it because it is different than what they know.
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(P.S.- Remember that 100-point game Chamberlain had? It was the only game in his career where he shot underhand, making 28 of 32 free throws.)
Sai Hseng

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