Sunday 2 October 2016

2.5 Billion Reasons To Try PFS

Who’s the greatest basketball player ever?
No matter what you think, you have to consider Michael Jordan.
To name a few of his accomplishments…
6 NBA titles
5 MVP seasons
172 games with 40 points or more scored
But all those numbers and rings don’t mean a thing to you unless you’re a basketball fan. So why should you care?
This last stat will tell you.
Jordan started wearing Nike’s Air Jordan shoes during games in 1984. The shoes violated NBA policy so he was fined $5,000 every game he played. That means every game Jordan played in up to his official 2003 retirement he was fined $5,000.
If Jordan played in just half of the games over those 19 seasons that means he was fined $3,895,000 over his career.
But here’s the rub.
The Air Jordan brand earned Nike $100 million in the first year it was on the market. And today it’s estimated that the Jordan brand earns Nike $2.5 billion a year.
Nike used the NBA’s ban on Air Jordan’s to hype the shoes up. They made Air Jordan’s THE shoe to have by fueling this story that Jordan was wearing dispute the NBA’s efforts to stop him. Air Jordan’s became the shoes of the most talented and rebellious stars in the world.
And people flocked to them like moths to a flame.
The crazy thing is that it’s unknown if the NBA actually fined Jordan. The whole story could’ve been a marketing campaign by Nike.
Either way it was brilliant.
That’s the type of marketing you have to do if you want to make a fortune online. Brilliant, unique, innovative marking.
And that’s exactly what the Patriot Funnel System is.
Just like Nike and the Air Jordan’s, PFS uses an outside the box solution to earn people money. It funnels the right clients straight to their product instead of simply casting a wide net all over the internet.
PFS is working smarter, not harder, just like Nike did with Michael Jordan. They’re earning Billions because of it. Click below to find out how much you’ll earn.
Sai Hseng

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