
Read this letter to find out how to get instant access to over 12,000 affiliates who have collectively sold over $35 million in products in the past 2.5 years. This marketplace could be generating sales for your products and services every day on auto-pilot.

T.J. Rohleder - The $150,000,000 Man - Endorses
Matt LloydDear Product Creator,
Are you struggling to sell your information product?
Does it feel like you spent months perfecting a product that is just sitting in a virtual ghost town?
Well, it’s not your fault.
Selling information products online is HARD.
In fact, it’s damn near impossible… IF you try to do it alone.
After spending countless hours creating content, recording videos, developing your marketing, deciding on a name, etc… you’re faced with an even more daunting task…
Now you have to:
  • Process payments
  • Setup customer service
  • Fulfill the product
  • Drive traffic
  • Find affiliates
In short, you have to try to single-handedly do what it takes some companies a full-time staff of dozens of people to do.
Pretty insane, right?
Luckily, there’s an easier way.
Over the past few years, dozens of “online marketplaces” have popped up that do most of the heavy lifting for you.
logosSites like and serve as platforms where product creators can sell digital products without having to worry about customer service, fulfillment, payment processing, etc.
And if the marketplace is good, it will come with an affiliate base – thousands of potential affiliates looking to promote products like yours.
Now, these marketplaces have been successful since their inception, but their growth in the last few years is staggering.
Did you know…
During the 10 years from 1998 to 2008, Clickbank paid out $1 billion in total revenueto affiliate marketers and product vendors.
Over the next 3 years, total revenue DOUBLED reaching $2 billion by the end of 2011.
And revenue is projected to double again to $4 billion by the end of this year.
And it’s not just Clickbank., which calls itself an “all in one online training platform” has over 4 million users using more than 20,000 courses created by more than 10,000 instructors.
The top instructors on Udemy earn up to half a million dollars per year, and 96% of instructors end up making sales.
So… why the massive growth?
For one, technology has made it easier to create digital products and get them out to the world.
But more importantly… people are becoming more and more comfortable with learning online and PAYING for it.
So, clearly you need to be on one of these marketplaces, right?
The only question is… which one?
Well, the problem with Clickbank is that their affiliates can sign up for free.
Over 90% of Clickbank affiliates have no idea what they’re doing and are lucky if they generate any sales at all.
The other problem with Clickbank and other marketplaces (like is that they try to be “everything for everyone.”
They have products on everything from real estate investing to yoga to casting spells.
(Seriously… there’s an e-kit on Clickbank for “Simple Spell Casting.” The commission is $30.89 per sale. Look it up.)
Now, if you’re into witchcraft, then maybe Clickbank is a good place for you (you might also have some other issues that you want to address first…)
But if you have a product related in anyway to BUSINESS (marketing, traffic, advertising, branding, strategy, etc)… then wouldn’t you want a marketplace that is focused on your niche?
And what if that marketplace also came with over 12,000 REAL affiliates who have bought into this platform?
Well, that marketplace exists.
It’s called…
The World’s Largest Online Marketplace For Business Products With Over 12,000 Affiliates Who Have Collectively Sold Over $35 Million In The Past 2.5 Years
The MOBE Marketplace is the largest online marketplace in the world dedicated exclusively to “business products.”
Our efforts are laser-focused on selling products like yours, so we do it better than anyone else.
Our affiliates are experts at promoting and selling business products.
We are experts at fulfilling, marketing, and advertising business products.
In a nutshell, the MOBE Marketplace is a well-oiled machine with one mission… to sell products like yours to small business owners and entrepreneurs all over the world.
And we have a pretty good track record so far.
To date, MOBE’s 12,000 affiliates have collectively sold over $35 million in the past 2 ½ years alone.
Now… 12,000 is an impressive number.
But what’s more impressive is WHO is in this “affiliate army.”
This group includes some of the Top Affiliates in the world:
  • a blogger who has made over $1.2 million in commissions through MOBE and runs one of the most famous blogs in the world
  • “solo ad” expert who has earned over $900,000 through MOBE
  • YouTube marketing genius who has earned over $254,000 through MOBE
  • social media “ninja” who has earned over $300,000 through MOBE
  • and the list goes on...
But it’s not just the Top Affiliates that make the MOBE Marketplace so powerful.
Every single affiliate on the MOBE Marketplace has paid money to promote MOBE products.
That means they’re infinitely more qualified to promote your products than 90% of the affiliates on Clickbank.
You see, all of these affiliates have “bought in” to the MOBE platform, which means they are serious about being an affiliate marketer.
They’re for real, and they know how to promote products online.
Many of them are full-time affiliates who do this for a living.
Even most established “gurus” can’t reach this many qualified affiliates at once.
It takes years, and a multi-million dollar company, to build this kind of affiliate base, and most product creators would pay thousands of dollars just to get access to these guys (and gals).
But you don’t have to pay to join the MOBE Marketplace.
It’s 100% FREE to join.
I’ll talk more about that in a minute, but first I want you to…
Imagine… Waking Up, Logging Onto Your Laptop, & Seeing Sales For Your Product
Imagine… it’s Sunday morning.
You wake up, brew a cup of coffee, and sit down at your desk or kitchen table.
You turn on your laptop, and check your MOBE Marketplace dashboard.
It’s been a couple of days since you last checked, and there… right there… are the first sales for your product through MOBE.
Imagine how good it would feel to know that money was generated for you while you were spending time with your friends and family over the weekend.
Imagine how good it would feel knowing that money like that can keep coming in, as more and more affiliates promote your product.
I can tell you from personal experience, it’s a pretty good feeling.
And the MOBE Marketplace can make that a reality.
"They make it really easy for you… there were 90 sales from which I pocketed $2,076 in 50 mins."
Raena Lynn, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
When you list your product on the MOBE Marketplace:

  • You will get instant access to over 12,000 qualified affiliates including some of the Top Affiliates in the world, which will increase your potential audience by hundreds of thousands (if not millions) overnight

  • All the “annoying” stuff about selling online – including customer service, payment processing, and fulfillment – will be Done For You, saving youcountless hours of stress and thousands of dollars in costs

  • You will get an army of affiliates at your disposal (more than most gurus) without doing any of the work to attract or market to them

  • you will “tap into” a marketplace that sells 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can feel good knowing your product is working FOR YOU even while you sleep
In short, the MOBE Marketplace will help sell your product to the world, so you have more time to do what you enjoy most – building your business, creating more products, and living the “freedom lifestyle” of an entrepreneur.
That’s why you started doing this in the first place, right?
So, the next step is easy.
All you have to do is apply to join the MOBE Marketplace.
"I spent not even quite an hour, I made almost $2,000 from the MOBE Marketplace Webinar. All you got to do is show up for the webinar, and they make it really easy."
Tiji Thomas, Sugarland, Texas
When you do...
You Will Get All of These
“Done For You” Services

  • “Done For You” Customer Service

    No matter how good your product is, there will be customers that have questions or issues that need to be addressed. You can rest easy knowing that our top-notch customer support team will be there to take care of your buyers.

  • “Done For You” Payment Gateway

    If you’ve ever tried to get setup with a merchant account, then you know how much of a nightmare it can be to find, qualify for, and keep a merchant account. When you join the MOBE Marketplace, we will take care of all of that for you. Our advanced payment gateway accepts major credit card brands and features fraud detection, secure order guarantees and PCI compliance.

  • “Done For You” Fulfillment

    Digitization is a great advancement because it allows people to instantly get your product in the form of PDFs, videos, and online training. However, hosting all of this content, making sure it’s compatible, and delivering it to the buyer requires experience, infrastructure, and staff. When you join the MOBE Marketplace, our expert fulfillment team will make sure your product is delivered as promised.

  • “Done For You” Affiliate Generation

    Building an affiliate base takes years, even for a multi-million dollar company like MOBE. When you join the MOBE Marketplace, you get instant access to over 12,000 qualified affiliates. Not only that, we will continue to aggressively build our affiliate base and motivate them with huge monthly contests and prizes (paid for by MOBE).

  • “Done For You” Reporting

    Tracking your sales can quickly get out of control if you try to do it yourself with Excel spreadsheets. When you join the MOBE Marketplace, you will have your own tracking dashboard, which will show your sales, returns, and other analytics. Everything is managed through our state-of-the-art affiliate tracking platform, so you can trust that every dollar will be accounted for.

  • “Done For You” Offer Pages

    Hiring a developer to build your sales page (or trying to do it yourself) can take weeks and cost thousands of dollars. When you join the MOBE Marketplace, you will get your own custom offer page featuring your sales video or copy. This page will be tied to a custom order page that we will also build for you.

  • “Done For You” Review Platform

    Like, the MOBE Marketplace features customer reviews. Products with the best reviews get top placement. When you join the MOBE Marketplace, your reviews will appear on your offer page and help you get more sales.   
Now, to set all of this up yourself would require a merchant account, video hosting, a customer service team, developers, and at least 5 different services or software solutions.
This represents a hard cost to you, plus your time (your most valuable asset)… and you would need to constantly manage all of these moving pieces.
The infrastructure and services here alone are worth at least $10,000 in staff, custom software, etc… and that doesn’t include access to over 12,000 affiliates (priceless).
But, like I said before…
It’s 100% Free
To Join The MOBE Marketplace
However, I have to make money out of this somewhere to make it worth my time.
So what I propose is a “royalties agreement.”
Here’s how this works…
The MOBE Marketplace processes payments, but 5% of that goes right back to our merchant account to pay for processing credit cards.
Then, the affiliate who makes the sale gets a standard 30% affiliate commission.
That leaves 65%.
Now, for managing the platform, lining up affiliates, and handling customer service, fulfillment, and payments… we’re only asking for 35%
You get to keep 30% even though we’re doing all the work.
You can think of your 30% as a royalty on your product, similar to how book authors are paid royalties.
You create the product, hand it off to us, and you sit back and get paid.
If your product sells, it’s a WIN-WIN.
There’s just one catch…
This IS NOT for everyone.
Here’s Who This Is For…
  • You Must Have A Product With Real Value
This should go without saying, but you need to have a product that delivers real value to the marketplace. Your product must include content in the form of video, PDFs, or other training that can be delivered digitally. The product cannot be a “funded proposal” for another product (which means that it can’t exist only to upsell to another product).
  • Your Product Fits Our Ideal Price Point
The ideal price point for products on the MOBE Marketplace is between $20 and $500. Exceptions may be made for products up to $1,000 but this is not a platform for selling “cheapo” $7 ebooks or $10,000 coaching programs.
  • Your Marketing Must Be Finished
Your marketing, usually a sales video or written sales copy, must be completed before you submit your product for approval.
  • Your Product Must Be Digital
You must have your entire product digitized and be able to upload it in any of these common formats: video (mp4, wmv); written materials (PDF, Word); slides (PowerPoint, KeyNote); audio (mp3).
  • Your Product Must Be A “Business Product”
The “small business owner & entrepreneur” niche is massive, with over 28 million small businesses and 22 million “self employed” entrepreneurs in the U.S. alone. These prospects are hungry for products that will help them grow their businesses.
This includes everything from business law to communications, finance, management, operations, taxes, entity formation, and ALL forms of marketing (social media, traffic, SEO, affiliate, offline, etc).
If your product can help small business owners and entrepreneurs, then it belongs on the MOBE Marketplace.
Sound good?

NEW: Sell Your Services On MOBE Marketplace

Don’t have your information product, but do have your own business related service?
If you are a service provider, then you can also get exposure and clients by listing your service on the MOBE Marketplace.
Fill out the application below and tell us more about your services.
Now, Here’s What I Want You To Do Next…
Click the button below now to apply.
You'll be taken to a form with questions about your product.
If your product is finished, it should not take very long to fill out this form.
We want to get you approved and more profitable as quickly as possible so all of the information we need is required on the next page.
We will ONLY use the following information for the purposes of MOBE Marketplace. We respect copyrights and privacy.
Before applying, if you have any questions, please email us
After you fill out the form, someone from my Product Review team will be in touch to discuss next steps.
Fill out the form now.
Matt Lloyd
P.S.  Do NOT put this off until tomorrow because “tomorrow” will never come. The fact that you have a product of your own, and that you’ve read this entire letter is evidence that you’re an action taker. That puts you ahead of 99% of the population that does nothing with their lives. If you are who I think you are, then you seize opportunities when you see them. Be a winner and sign up today.
P.P.S.  Remember, the MOBE Marketplace will help sell your product to the world, so you have more time to build your business and live the “freedom lifestyle” you became an entrepreneur for in the first place. You will get instant access to over 12,000 qualified affiliates who have collectively sold over $35 million in the past 2 ½ years. PLUS… we will handle all customer service, payment processing, fulfillment, reporting, affiliate management, and hosting FOR YOU free of charge. It’s about as close to actually “making money while you sleep” as you can get. Fill out the form below now.

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