Monday 16 January 2017

Mass Commissions From Live Events

Mass Comissions from live events

In this course John Lee will show you the methods he has personally used to sell high ticket packages in mass using this secret method.

click here to get them 

Product Description

In this course John Lee will show you the methods he has personally used to sell high ticket packages in mass using this secret method.
There are 16 modules each ranging between 5–22 minutes long.  I break it down into sizeable chunks for you to watch easily. And I give you live case studies so it’s not just theory, it’s practical.
Module 1–The Master Plan to Fill Rooms
- Giving you the master plan so you can see the plan step by step on how to fill rooms
- Detailing what you will be going through so you have an action plan
- Getting everything set up so you can start filling your rooms now
Module 2–Facebook to Fill Your Events
- How to get thousands of registrations for your events
- How to automate it so you work less and gain more
- How to laser target you ideal audience
- How to get your marketing costs back so it’s basically free marketing
- How to build a massive list so you can re market another event to them
Module 3–YouTube to Fill Your Events
- How to promote your events using video
- How to get thousands of views
- How to turn those views into attendees
- How to get on the first page of YouTube so you dominate you industry
- How to create celebrity status so people trust you.
Module 4–Twitter to Fill Your Events
- You will Learn Twitter’s best kept secrets to filling rooms
- How to use the right handles to get more registrations
- How to reduce your marketing spend to get more bums on seats
- How to create buzz about your events using the Twitter method
Module 5–Twitter Campaign Creation to Fill Your Events
- Watch a live demo on how to create campaigns that fill rooms
- Watch live case studies on how we generated thousands of registrations
- See first hand step by step how to do this within 5 minutes.
Module 6–Webinars to Fill Your Events
- How to promote online events to fill your offline events
- What are the best times to run online events
- Why this is a must to get full rooms
- The Leveraged method to save you more time to get fuller rooms
Module 7–Webinars Automation to Fill Your Events
- How to automate webinar event filling
- How to have your webinar sell for you automatically
- How to fill your webinars using a simple template
Module 8–Top Secret
- Everyone is using this method but 95% of people get it wrong
- If you know this you never have to worry about empty rooms
- When you see how to do this step by step you will see how to sell out rooms
Module 9–Strategic Alliance to Fill Your Events
- How to get others to fill the rooms for you
- How to save thousands on marketing costs
- How to fill rooms super fast using this under-utilized strategy
- How to negotiate your way to get others to promote for you
- How to be creative when filling your events
- How to trade other things with others to get them to promote
- How to make every pound stretch to fill your rooms
- How to get super cheap leads
- How to get fast registrations for your event
- How to get onto other people’s stages to fill your own room
- How to swop rooms so you get bigger audiences
- How to find lots of other events to speak at
- The methods I used to get on stage with Richard Branson three times with over 5,000 people each time.
- How to find the best promoters to promote you
- How to create win win deals with promoters that get you more bums on seats
- How to get other speakers to promote your events
- Access other people’s lists to fill yours
- How to avoid the biggest mistakes most people make that cause empty rooms
- Executing the master plan for sold out events
- Recap on what you need to do to get packed out rooms
- Step by step guide on what to do next for more bums on seats.

Bullseye!" For Internet Marketers

If you are looking to learn the skills required to really connect with your audience, increase sales conversion and build a long term relationship with your customers, then Bullseye! for Internet Marketers is a great video training course for you.
Module 1: Introduction and four elements of communication
Module 2: The Bullseye! method – for all communication medium
Module 3: How to create amazing sales page using The Bullseye! method
Module 4: How to create purpose driven emails using the Bullseye! method
click here 
  • Free 30 minute coaching call to apply Bullseye! method - a $395 value
  • Bullseye! Q & A Webinar- $297 value
  • Halls Innercircle Membership - $395 value