Friday 30 December 2016

Which Social Media Platforms Should You Use for Online Marketing?

Facebook remains the king of social media platforms. There are over 1.5 billion active users on Facebook. But, it’s not the only social networking site out there.
LinkedIn is still going strong and was recently purchased by Microsoft. Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, Reddit, and Google Plus are also attracting millions.
Which of these social media sites should you focus on for your online marketing campaign? Spreading yourself too thin is a possibility for entrepreneurs. Instead, devote your energies to two or three platforms.
Use the following tips to determine which social media platforms will best help you connect with your target audience.
Due to the sheer number of users, Facebook should definitely be a part of your social media marketing (SMM) strategy. As mentioned, they have over 1.5 billion active users. Almost everyone seems to have a Facebook account.
It’s estimated that about 77% of all female internet users and 66% of men have a Facebook account. Though, the numbers shift depending on your target age group. About 87% of people 18 – 29 have a Facebook account. The numbers drop to 73% for those 30 – 49 years old.
You can target just about any demographic through Facebook, as a part of your SMM campaign. Though, you should still include one or two additional sites in your strategy.
Twitter has reached 310 million active users, which makes it the third most popular social networking site after Facebook and YouTube. For the 18 – 29 age group, about 37% of the population has a Twitter account. Twitter is well-rounded. A nearly even number of users are men and women.
As with Facebook, Twitter covers a wide range of users. Though, younger generations are more likely to have a Twitter account. Due to the ease of sending out tweets, it remains a popular option for entrepreneurs that want to quickly build a social media presence.
Twitter is very beneficial for entrepreneurs that are just starting out or those that want to specifically target a younger audience.
LinkedIn is close behind Twitter, with over 255 million users. Nearly half of people with a college degree have a LinkedIn account. LinkedIn is well suited for B2B marketing, as well as for marketing professional services or products.
LinkedIn users tend to skew into the higher income brackets and are more likely to have some level of higher education.
Pinterest is another option, depending on your target audience. They have over 250 million users. 42% of women have a Pinterest account, while just 13% of men use this site. Pinterest remains heavily geared towards women.
If your products or services are targeted directly at women, then Pinterest may be a beneficial site to include in your SMM strategy.
Which Sites Should You Choose?
You should think about your target audience. Who do you want to reach? You won’t get anywhere by targeting the entire population. Focus your efforts on specific segments of the population.
As your brand grows, you can increase your presence and target larger groups. But, you will still use individual campaigns to target these groups.
Two to three sites, including Facebook, are a good starting point for most entrepreneurs. If you feel that you can handle the demands of keeping up with more than that, then go ahead. Just know that an SMM campaign should remain consistent. Create a schedule and stick to it.
If you’re finding it hard to market your products or services through social media, rethink your strategy. Use these suggestions to choose the right social media sites. For additional online marketing techniques, such as a complete lead generation system, click here to learn about my done-for-you system.
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5 Easy Tips for Improving the Quality of Your Website

The user experience offered by your website can be the difference between a sale and a bounce. If your website is slow, not optimized for mobile viewing, or difficult to navigate, users are likely to go elsewhere.
If you’re tired of looking at increasing bounce rates, then use the following 5 easy tips for improving the quality of your website.
Boost the Speed of Your Website
The very first step that you should take to improve the quality of your website is to boost the speed of your site. Loading time can play a major role in conversion rates. This is especially true considering the increasing number of people that rely on mobile devices to browse the web.
You can use various online tools to test the exact speed of your site. These tools will often provide a breakdown of the elements on your web page. You can determine which items are taking the longest to load.
Optimize the Images on Your Site
Images are a common cause of long loading times. Make sure that your images are optimized. For example, if your image only displays at a maximum size of 900 pixels, there is no reason to use a 1200-pixel wide image.
Also, if you’re not using a transparent background in your image, you don’t need to use PNG image files. JPG files are smaller. You can use just about any photo editing program to resize your images and save them as JPG files.
Use a Responsive Web Design
The majority of web design templates use responsive coding. This means that the site responds to the type and size of the browser being used. Elements are adjusted. Layouts are altered. You no longer need a separate mobile site.
Make Your Content Readable
As with the speed of your page, if users have any trouble reading your content, they will leave your site. Don’t get carried away using fancy fonts.
Using an interesting font for a header is acceptable, but you should use a standard font for your primary text. Times, Arial, and Helvetica and variations of these three font families are your best bet.
Pay Attention to Your Placement of Ads
If your site receives a lot of traffic, you’ll probably include ads to help generate a little extra income. Including ads from Google AdSense or any other program is normal. But, if these ads are more prominent than your primary content, you take away from the legitimacy of your site.
When placing ads on your site, stick to the basic rule of only including one ad above the fold. You can either place a banner across the top of your page or an ad along your sidebar. But, avoid placing two ads along the top section of your site.
Visitors should instantly be drawn to your primary content. They’re not as interested in the advertisements. Your goal is to get them to complete a purchase or any other action. At the bottom of the list of these actions is clicking on an ad that takes them away from your site.
Use these 5 tips to begin streamlining your website. The user experience that you provide will directly impact your conversion rates. You can have the best content and quality website copy. Unfortunately, if your site is not well-built, users will not be interested in anything you’re offering.
Evaluate your site and begin implementing these suggestions. Along with these tips, if you’d like to learn how to get conversion-ready internet marketing prospects, then click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

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